Easter Hope

Apr 2, 2020 | News

A message from Br Timothy Graham…

Jesus of Nazareth’s experience of utter vilification and powerless was transformed into utter dependence and trust in the Abba, Source of All. In this time of seeming global hopelessness this is the hope that I cling to, and wish for each of us, that we may grasp a little of the Christ’s invitation to peace and hospitable hope. These words from the German poet Rilke I have found comforting: “Let everything happen to you / Beauty and terror / Just keep going / No feeling is final.”

I also offer the adapted following quote from the theologian Margaret Wheatley that I have found encouraging: “It is possible in this time of profound disruption, for [brotherhood/ sisterhood] to be a noble profession that contributes to the common good. It is possible, as we face the fearful complexity of life-destroying problems, to experience recurring moments of grace and joy. It is possible, as [brothers/sisters] … to discover deep and abiding satisfaction in our [lives] if we choose not to flee or withdraw from reality. It is possible to find a path of contribution and meaning if we turn our attention away from issues beyond our control and focus on the people around us… It is possible to use our influence and power to create islands of sanity in the midst of a raging destructive sea.”

[Margaret J. Wheatley, Who Do We Choose to Be? Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity (Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2017), 4.]

As we all live with our self-imposed isolation, and for some aged-increased vulnerability to Covid-19, let’s choose the grace and joy that will come from focusing on those around us: our brothers and sisters, our families and neighbours, those who live with the anxiety of losing their livelihoods and homes, those who are already homeless, those whose loneliness and anxiety is confounded by isolation and fear, the people of the bush who have yet to recover from fire, the young whose future seems even less assured. The Easter gift that we can offer is to become islands of hospitable sanity in the midst of our raging destructive seas.

Wishing you and all those dear to you a peaceful and enriching Easter.